As we enter November there’s quite a bit on.

We filmed Carols in Your Backyard yesterday (Thursday). We are getting ready to celebrate six baptisms this coming Sunday. And we are preparing to release the strategic priorities and initial projects from the discernment process. These will be released on the weekend of the 20th – two weeks before our AGM where we will seek acceptance of the priorities.

This has been an intense and exciting task; taking the pages and pages of work done on the day of discernment and shaping it into a (hopefully) clear set of priorities and projects. The bulk of the work in this stage has been done by the Senior Staff (Rox, Matt, Vicki, and I) along with the CLT and others that we have asked for feedback along the way.

As it gets closer to completion I would ask for your continued prayer for wisdom and clarity. I hope and pray that there will be a strong sense of God’s leading in this and that the document will be truly a “living” one because of the time and effort we have put in to hearing from the Spirit in the process.

Thanks again for all who have participated and I look forward to getting involved in what God is inviting us into!