Baptist World Aid Australia
Syrian Refugee Support in Lebanon

Baptist World Aid Australia is a Christian aid and development organisation, who partner with churches to be love and end poverty. With the humanitarian crisis of the Syrian war, we are partnering with an ongoing project located in Lebanon, that is supporting thousands of refugee’s through the local churches and partner organisations. They collaboratively provide physical, medical, social, educational and vocational support which empowers communities to lift themselves out of poverty, challenge injustice and build resilience.

Visit Baptist World Aid Australia
Mother's Heart: Cambodia
Mother's Heart is the only organisation providing services for women/girls in crisis pregnancies in Cambodia who want to keep their babies.

Mother's Heart provides a unique wrap-around service to disadvantaged girls and women throughout pregnancy, birth and postnatal care. Through GBC's support Mother's Heart will be able to reach over 45 clients a year and provide support with immunisations, baby baskets, safe community-based housing, contraception, breastfeeding, parent and child development education. Support also includes mediation and advocacy so that the women/girls are reunited with their families and are safe and protected in their communities. Those who are ready to work are provided with vocational training and job placement opportunities, and are supported until they can sustainably support themselves and their family.

Tearfund: Faith and Family Wellbeing - AUS
We are supporting 25 Indigenous Christian community leaders from remote NT communities, to participate in the Faith and Family Wellbeing Course at Nungalinya College in Darwin.

The Faith and Family Wellbeing Certificate II has been modified in consultation with community leaders, to fit an Indigenous Christian context and to increase the focus on recognising and responding to domestic and family violence. The program provides ongoing support to the community leaders wellbeing/violence prevention initiatives in their home communities and churches, and facilitates connection with other community organisations, relevant government services, and International development partners who are also working on community-based trauma healing and violence prevention.

Strong Women Talking
TearFund Australia

In 2023, we started our 3-year support of Strong Women Talking (SWT); an Aboriginal-led movement of First Nations women, helping indigenous women and their children heal from the trauma resulting from domestic violence, and breaking the cycle of family and domestic violence within their families and communities.

In the period from July-December 2023:

* SWT worked directly with 21 Indigenous women survivors of domestic violence;
* Led two Healing Journeys;
* Held a Camp for 20 women who had been part of past Healing Journeys;
* Held a fortnightly Sisters Connect meeting to support women who have completed a Healing Journey, attended by 7-10 women; and
* Have seen a measurable change in trauma response, behaviours, and knowledge of trauma, as a result of the program.
Just a few weeks ago, we received news that Strong Women Talking has been recognised for their work and will be fully funded by the QLD Government in 2024 and 2025.
For the remaining two years of our partnership with TearFund Australia, we will be supporting the Faith and Wellbeing project in the Northern Territory - see Section Above for more info.

Strong Women Talking Report - MMM 2024

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