One of our values as a community of faith is to be On-Purpose. In other words, to be intentional as followers of Jesus; leaving some margin to be available to join in God’s renewing purposes.

One area we want to encourage all of us to be On-Purpose is in our financial giving to the mission of God here at GBC. In 2 Corinthians 9:7 Paul urges, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion.” This is On-Purpose generosity; thoughtful, prayerful, and intentional. For those of you who attended the AGM last December you’ll know that we adopted a deficit budget. The rationale for that decision can be read here.

In order to be in a position to continue to pursue the mission of God in 2023 we are looking to increase our giving by 20%. Our treasurer, Glenn Smith, broke this down for those less financially-minded (including yours truly!). If you have, for example, been giving $10, then an increase to $12 would be the step up we are looking for. If you have been contributing financially to the work of God at GBC and are willing and able to increase your giving, we encourage you to do so. If you have not yet begun to participate financially and would like to, you can download this one-page “Giving @GBC" here. It is also on GBC Links under the Giving Tab where you will also find some other resources to help you be On-Purpose about your financial participation in God’s renewing work.

Thank you so much for being On-Purpose!

Marc Rader | Senior Pastor

[Please note: The Friday Update video from Marc is not attached to eNews this week. You can view it via our social media platforms].