Tomorrow is the day of discernment. Thanks to all of you who have been praying for this day and to those who have registered to be part of it. I’m looking forward to seeing how the Lord’s invitation to us becomes clear over the course of the day. This whole process has been pretty challenging – in a good way!

One of the challenges for me has come from seeking to guide the process without influencing it. This has been, in part, being careful about how and where I have been involved. So, I decided that I would not submit any impressions to the discernment group, that I would not be part of that group, and that we would get an external facilitator for tomorrow. This has, however, been the easy part of the challenge. The more significant challenge has been to trust the theology of the process; that the Lord speaks through his people. Trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit rather than in my own wisdom has been an interesting personal journey!

Tomorrow marks the end of the 3rd stage of the process and I am looking forward to (finally) getting to do my part as we take the ideas and form them into a strategic plan for our community of faith. It’s been a great journey and I’m keen to see what’s over this next horizon!