We are very excited to be having a number of conversations with people within our church who are ready to take their next faithful step through baptism. Although these baptisms will not happen this Sunday, due to various reason, this provides a greater opportunity to those still considering. Baptism is about sharing a journey, making a declaration, and celebrating the work of God in life of the one. We want to see as many people as possible, engage in this significant practice and encourage everyone to consider this next step.

Our submissions for the discernment process have come to a close. Can I ask you to be praying for our Discernment Group as they lean into the Spirit and discover the themes and the thread that tight all that has been share, together? We believe that this is a powerful and profound process for our church to engage with, that will shape who we are and where we are going in the years to come.

This Sunday also marks the final day in which we will receive donations for May Mission Month. We are excited to announce that we currently have $110,000 raised for our partners. This is an amazing effort, but we are still yet to hit our target. Can I encourage you to be prayerfully considering how you might be big-hearted and others-focused this May Mission Month season? We want to be a church that partners with the work of God all around the world in big ways.

Matt Willis | Associate Pastor