The book of Acts begins with Jesus words prior to his ascension: "You will receive power when the Holy spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth" (Acts 1:8). Acts concludes with the Apostle Paul in Rome, the very centre of power in the ancient world, where "He proclaimed the Kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ - with all boldness and without hindrance!" (Acts 28:31). This same gospel is still preached today to the 'ends of the earth', demonstrating Gods Kingdom is an ever-expanding one, and GBC is committed to being witnesses for Christ as he instructed.
This Sunday our May Mission Month Focus is on our Frontline Missionaries. We support 9 missionary partners as, like Paul, they proclaim the Kingdom of God and teach about Jesus, and are used by God for the renewal and restoration of all things. We'll be welcoming some of our missionaries onsite this Sunday, with others planning visits later in the year. I hope you'll join me in welcoming them and praying for our frontline partners as well as prayerfully considering what God is inviting you to give toward May Mission Month projects this year.
We are nearing the end of the current stage of our Discernment Process. If you have not yet added a submission to the survey, you only have a week to do so. Thank you to those who have already added their thoughts, impressions, ideas, promptings and creativity to the survey. Our Discernment Group are looking forward to finding themes from what has been submitted.
Next week is our Baptism service, which is an opportunity to follow the Lord's example into the waters of baptism as we identify with him in his death and resurrection. If you haven't already been baptised, and have been thinking about it - this is your opportunity! Scripture is filled with examples of this practice, of believers being baptised as a public physical witness to an inner spiritual reality - they have died with Christ and have been raised in New Life in Him. Additionally, as a Baptist church membership is for those who have been baptised (with a few exceptions) so I'd encourage you to fill in the expression of interest form and follow the Lord in his example.
Roxane Lawler | Associate Pastor