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Last Sunday marked our first face-to-face, Onsite Service in over forty weeks.

I have to admit, it wasn’t how I imagined it last May when I was thinking about our first service back. I pictured a big celebration service with a packed building and full-throated participation in songs of thanksgiving and praise. 
What we experienced was the simple comfort of “seeing” people again and a partial reminder that we are part of something bigger than those we can seat in our living room. It was what I would call a muted return: physically distanced, masked, humming along under our breath, and leaving quietly and quickly afterwards. It was nice but will take a little getting used to.

At the same time, I felt a subtle sense of excitement. Not only because there were a few people in the building on a Sunday, but because I was reminded that there is a new normal waiting for us. There are opportunities ahead of us that will certainly take some getting used to, but which I wouldn’t trade.

This is – if you remember the four chairs and exercise ball illustration – the second wobbly chair. It’s a bit of the new normal but it doesn’t fell comfortable yet. And there is probably some more chaos ahead but the Lord has been with us and goes ahead of us. Our task is to courageously and faithfully step into where he leads – and that’s an exciting prospect. I look forward to continuing the journey and look forward to seeing you Online or Onsite this Sunday!

God bless,
Marc Rader