
Ephesians 2:19-22

This week we continue our new series entitled “The Church Reimagined” in which I want to explore where I believe God is inviting us to reflect on what it means to be the community of faith. In this message I reflect on Paul’s use of “the household of God” to describe the community of faith and its implications for us.

Imagine if every follower of Jesus found their place in God’s mission. If every follower knew where they fit. If every disciple knew they belonged; felt connected; and encouraged to respond to the invitation of the Spirit. I think it would be a game changer. Not only for us in COVID times, but when we gather together again. 

Let me encourage you to find your household - make it an object of prayer, join a Life Group - find where you fit and join in with God’s mission as we rise to become a holy temple in the Lord.

Is there someone you know who really needs to hear this message? Why not share it with them and see what God does through it. 

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We’d love for you join us for church at at 8:30, 10:30, and 6:00pm (AEST).