
Luke 3:1-13

This week we launch a new sermon series entitled "The Topography of Discipleship: Finding Our Way as the Church Today" Our world may be changing but our central mission - to make disciples - does not. A changing world does, however, require a new map. It is my hope that this nine-week series will provide us with a set of foundational and formational concepts, ideas, and terminology that will help us find our way to creating an atmosphere, an environment, a culture or a current that makes following Jesus natural and normal.

The core concept of this series comes from a book written by Bobby Harrington and Alex Absalom entitled, Discipleship That Fits in which the authors outline five relational contexts that God uses to help us as we apprentice to Jesus. Matt Willis and Marc Rader released a series trailer a couple of weeks ago that you can listen to to get an overview of these - though we hope you'll pick it up in the messages.

In this first message we look at the Divine Context; our time alone with God - and focus on the "why". In other words, what does spending time do to help us mature as followers of Jesus.

God uses many different relational contexts to apprentice us to Jesus and our time alone with him is one of them. I trust that you have been encouraged to begin to, or continue to spend time alone with God and that an understanding of what this accomplishes motivates your own discipleship.

Due to the current Public Health Order our facilities are closed to the public until at least Friday July 9. This means that if you'd like to join us for worship this week you'll need to do so online.

Is there someone you know who really needs to hear this message? Why not share it with them and see what God does through it. 

If you'd like to join us online, we meet at at 9:30am AEST. We'd love for you to join us. Also, be sure to follow us on Facebook or Instagram to keep up with all we are doing.