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“Go… Make Disciples”

This is our theme for 2021 and this Sunday we are “launching” it. I am really looking forward to sharing what I believe God has place on my heart about what it means for us to turn our hearts, minds, and hands to Jesus’ commission. In my message this week I want to remind us of three fundamental truths about this commission, make a personal commitment to you, ask a personal commitment from you, and paint a picture of my dream for us as a community of faith. And that’s what I call a teaser!
We gather this week online (at 9:30) and onsite (at 8:30, 10:30 and 6:00). We will not have a children’s program this week, so I would like to encourage families to invite another family around to participate together as we continue to take steps to return to what used to be normal!
See you Sunday.
Marc Rader | Senior Pastor