If you’ve seen the Friday Updates you’ll know that we’ve been recording the music for Carols in Your Backyard this week. The set looks amazing and the band sound great! We’ll be filming the “backyard” bit next week and then editing it all together in time for December 19.

I had the opportunity to promote the event with the Baptist Association and we have had several pastors contact us about using the resource with their congregations this Christmas. While a live event has a certain buzz about it, the opportunity to have dozens of Carols events in dozens of backyards (or living rooms, verandas, driveways, etc.) is super exciting too!

Part of the reason is that it provides each of us a chance to participate in God’s plans and purposes. Put more simply, we can engage in evangelism! For those of you who remember the five Plan A principles, you’ll recognise at least two – knowing and sowing – that we can do in our backyard. We can build relationships with our friends, family, and neighbours who don’t know Jesus. There’s nothing like sitting around some good food and drink, chatting and listening to Christmas carols. And we can sow seeds about Jesus and look for interest.

Carols in Your Backyard is a chance to talk about the Christmas story. Nothing might come from it, but we sow seeds like Jesus does in the parable of the soils – liberally! Who knows where those seeds may find fertile soil!? So, be in prayer about who the LORD may be inviting you to invite to your home on the 19th. And, if you’re a little nervous, don’t forget to Row with others (the fourth Plan A principle) and find another Christian friend and host an event together!

Let’s take advantage of this opportunity to join in what God is doing!